To download the Paychex Flex App:

For Android:

For iOS (iPhone):

You can also access Paychex on the web at:

To enter your personal information:

  1. Enter your First Name, MI (middle initial), and Last Name as it appears on your Worker Profile.
  2. Select the Month, Day, and Year from the Date of Birth drop-down menus.
  3. Enter your SSN and then Re-enter SSN.
  4. Enter your Primary Telephone number.

    Note: Use your cell phone number in order to receive verification codes via text message.
  5. Enter your home address exactly as it appears on your Worker Profile. This includes Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, ZIP, and Country

    Note: The information you enter is used to connect your user account with your worker record so you can see your personal information, check stubs, and tax documents in Paychex Flex.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Click Yes when prompted to verify the information you entered.

To select your security questions:

  1. Select Security Question One from the drop-down menu.
  2. Enter your Answer in the field next to Security Question One.
  3. Select Security Question Two from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter your Answer in the field next to Security Question Two.
  5. Select Security Question Three from the drop-down menu.
  6. Enter your Answer in the field next to Security Question Three.
  7. Select Security Question Four from the drop-down menu.
  8. Enter your Answer in the field provided next to Security Question Four.
  9. Click Continue.

To specify your security level preferences:

  1. Use the radio buttons to select one of the Maximum Security options and receive a verification code, or click Show me alternative security options to choose the Alternative Security option and answer a security question whenever you log in from an unrecognized device.

    Note: We recommend you choose to receive a verification code whenever you log in from an unrecognized device. This is the most secure and least intrusive method of securing your personal information.
  2. Select a default method to receive verification codes.

    Note: If the phone number on your Worker Profile is a cell phone number, then you may select either Text Me or Call Me, or choose to have the system Ask Every Time. If the phone number on your worker record is your home phone (a direct land line with no extension), then you must choose Call Me, or choose to have the system Ask Every Time.
  3. Select the checkbox next to I acknowledge I have read and understand the user security levels.
  4. Click Continue.

To set up your account information:

  1. Enter a unique username in the Create Username field.

    Note: Your username must be at least 8 characters and no more than 18 characters in length. It cannot contain spaces or special characters, but it can contain a period, hyphen, or underscore.
  2. Enter a password in the Create Password field. As you type, the Password Strength meter will display red until you meet the criteria, and then it will turn green.

    Note: Your password must be at least 8 characters and no more than 32 characters in length. It must include at least 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, and 1 number.
  3. Re-enter the same password in the Verify Password field. The checkmark will turn green when they match.
  4. Enter a Personal Identification Number (PIN) in the Create PIN field.

    Note: Your PIN must be at least 4 and no more than 10 single digit numeric characters in length.
  5. Re-enter the same PIN number in the Verify PIN field. The checkmark will turn green when they match.
  6. Select the checkbox next to I'm not a robot in the reCAPTCHA box.

    Note: You may also be presented with an image CAPTCHA, which requires you to either outline an image or click all the squares that display something specific such as street sign or a vehicle.
  7. Click Continue.

To verify your email address:

  1. Go to your email and open the message from Paychex.
  2. Click the link to verify your email address is valid.
  3. If click the link after the link has expired, you will be prompted to click Resend Email.

    Note: Your payroll administrator can also resend the email verification email from within the system.

Congratulations! You are now successfully registered to access Paychex Flex.

Important! Your Paychex Flex user account will be disabled after 18 months of no activity, and deleted after an additional 60 days in the disabled state with no activity. An informational email is sent automatically 7 days before the date your account is disabled. During the disabled period, you can log in and reactivate your account by using the Forgot Username or Password option. You may also contact your client administrator or Paychex Support to reactivate your account.  If there is no response during the disabled period, a final email is sent 7 days before the date your account is deleted. Please contact your client administrator or Paychex Support, if you have any questions.